Sunday, July 11, 2010

Seguvara-the selfless legend's images

9 Steps to Protect your MS Windows System from Viruses

Nowadays as the Internet and other networks are
greatly developed computer viruses are
distributed rapidly and intensively. Everyday
several new viruses capable to damage
considerably your computer system arise. Anti-
virus specialists work hardly to make updates
their software against new viruses as soon as
possible. The viruses can get inside computer in
different ways. That is why there is no simple
method to protect system. Only series of
measures can give you reliable protection from
the infection. Below are 9 steps to protect MS
Windows based PC system from viruses.
1. Make regular backups. It should be said that
there is no absolutely safe way of protection.
Virus creators regularly find holes in new
computer products to use them for infection of
computer systems. Some dangerous viruses can
considerably damage data files or even erase
entire file system. Make regular backups of your
data files to separate file storage device. It can be
separate hard drive, flash card, compact disc or
another file storage device which you choose. To
ease the procedure you can use some automatic
backup software. And be ready if the system will
die because of virus infection.
2. Be ready to reinstall your system if it dies
because of viruses. Get distributives of your
operation system and distributives of software
which you use and keep them together, for
instance, on a set of CDs not far away from you.
In this case if virus infection will cause
unrecoverable system failure you can rapidly
reinstall your working medium.
3. Protect your network connection with Firewall.
Firewall is a software which blocks suspicious
potentially dangerous connections to preventing
viruses from network to penetrate into your
system. Windows XP system has quit simple but
reliable built-in firewall. You can enable it as
follows. 1) in Control Panel, double-click
Networking and Internet Connections, and then
click Network Connections. 2) Right-click the
connection on which you would like to enable
firewall, and then click Properties. 3) On the
Advanced tab, check the option to Protect my
If you need more flexible control of connections
with network you
can get and install more advanced firewall
software like Norton Personal Firewall or Outpost
Firewall. If you use this software you have ability
to permit or to block particular connections and
to monitor network activity.
4. Use antivirus software. Install antivirus
software which will scan your system searching
and erasing viruses on a regular basis. Leaders in
antivirus software products for Windows
systems are Norton Antivirus, McAfee, Kaspersky
Anti-Virus and PC-cilin.
5. Regularly update operating system. Windows
XP has built-in automatic update service. It
regularly contacts Microsoft server to find
updates and notifies you if updates are ready to
be installed. Updates are important because
hackers regularly find holes in operating system
which are often used by virus creators.
6. Don't install and don't run suspicious software.
Check new programs which you are going to
install with anti-virus software. Don't download
software from suspicious websites. To download
software always seek website of software creator
or official distributor. Do not open applications
received by email from unknown persons.
7. Limit access to your computer. Protect enter to
system with password.
8. If you use Internet Explorer, consider moving
to another browser. As IE is the most distributed
browser today virus creators actively use defects
in its security system to infect computers.
Infection may arise if you will visit webpage
which contains invisible harmful code. You are
more safe if you use less known browser only
because virus creators do not pay much attention
to it. Major IE competitors Firefox and Opera
browsers provide now the same comfortable
interface and range of services for working on the
9. Use spam protection. Viruses are often
distributed via email. Switch on spam filters in
your email box to block spam receiving. If you
need assistance with using of the filters you can
ask your email service provider.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


"You leave old habits behind by
starting out with the thought, 'I
release the need for this in my
life'." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then, is not an act, but
a habit." Aristotle
"A nail is driven out by another
nail. Habit is overcome by habit."
Desiderius Erasmus
"First we form habits, then they
form us. Conquer your bad habits
or they will conquer you."
Rob Gilbert
"Tell me what you eat, and I will
tell you what you are." Anthelme
"Power is the faculty or capacity
to act, the strength and potency
to accomplish something. It is
the vital energy to make choices
and decisions. It also includes the
capacity to overcome deeply
embedded habits and to cultivate
higher, more effective ones."
Stephen R. Covey
"Winning is a habit.
Unfortunately, so is losing." Vince
"Your net worth to the world is
usually determined by what
remains after your bad habits are
subtracted from your good
ones." Benjamin Franklin
"Habits? the only reason they
persist is that they are offering
some satisfaction? You allow
them to persist by not seeking
any other, better form of
satisfying the same needs. Every
habit, good or bad, is acquired
and learned in the same way - by
finding that it is a means of
satisfaction." Juliene Berk
"Once you learn to quit, it
becomes a habit." Vince
"I never could have done what I
have done without the habits of
punctuality, order, and diligence,
without the determination to
concentrate myself on one
subject at a time." Charles


"In business, the competition will
bite you if you keep running; if
you stand still, they will swallow
William Knudsen Jr
My father taught me always to do
more than you gat paid for as an
investment in your future.
Jim Rohn
If you a make a sale you make a
living.If you make an investment
of time and good service in a
customer, you can make a
Jim Rohn
Don't just let your bussiness or
your job make something for
you, let it make something of
Jim Rohn
The worst days of those who
enjoy what they do are better
than the best days of those who
Jim Rohn
One good customer well taken
care of could be more valuable
than $10,000 worth of
Jim Rohn
Don't bring your need to the
marketplace,bring your skill.If
you don't feel well,tell your but
not the marketplace.If you need
money,go to your bank but not
the market place.
Jim Rohn

Success quotes

Nourish the mind like you would
your body.The mind cannot
survive on junk food.
Jim Rohn
"It is nothing for one to know
something unless another knows
you know it." Persian Proverb
"To know that we know what
we know, and that we do not
know what we do not know,
that is true knowledge." Henry
David Thoreau
"The trouble with the world is
not that people know too little,
but that they know so many
things that ain't so." Mark Twain
"We live on an island surrounded
by a sea of ignorance. As our
island of knowledge grows, so
does the shore of our
ignorance." John Archibald
"I realized that far beyond the
possibilities of bodily thought
there were in myself forces,
powers and knowledge far
transcending all that the body
can ever perceive or imagine in
its loftiest flights."
The Golden Dawn
Everything you need for your
better future and success has
already been written.And guess
What? It's all available.All you
have to do is go to the library.But
guess what?Only three percent
of the people in America have a
library card.Wow,they must be
expensive!No, they're
free.Probably in every
neighborhood.Three percent!
Jim Rohn
"Man's flight through life is
sustained by the power of his
U.S. Air Force
"Not to know is bad; not to wish
to know is worse."
African Proverb
"There are three ingredients in
the good life: learning, earning
and yearning."
- Christopher Morley
"Courage is a special kind of
knowledge; the knowledge of
how to fear what ought to be
feared and how not to fear what
ought not to be feared."
? David Ben
"Courage is a special kind of
knowledge; the knowledge of
how to fear what ought to be
feared and how not to fear what
ought not to be feared."
- David Ben-Gurion
"Those who cannot change their
minds cannot change anything."
-- George Bernard Shaw
"Formal education will make you
a living. Self-education will make
you a fortune."
Jim Rohn
Learning is the begining of
wealth.Learning is the begining
of health. Learningis the
begining of spiritually.Searching
and learning is where the miracle
process all begins.
The great Breakthrough in your
life comes when you realize it
that you can learn anything you
need to learn to accomplish any
goal that you set for yourself.This
means there are no limits on
what you can be,have or do.
"I am enough of an artist to
draw freely upon my
imagination. Imagination is more
important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world."
Albert Einstein
"The highest form of ignorance
is to reject something you know
nothing about."
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
"Every mind was made for
growth, for knowledge, and its
nature is sinned against when it
is doomed to ignorance."
William Ellery Channing
"You can swim all day in the Sea
of Knowledge and still come out
completely dry. Most people do."
Norman Juster
"Knowledge is power and
enthusiasm pulls the switch."
Steve Droke
"Not to know is bad, not to wish
to know is worse." Nigerian
"The old believe everything; the
middle aged suspect everything,
the young know everything."
Oscar Wilde
"Where is the Life we have lost in
living? Where is the wisdom we
have lost in knowledge? Where is
the knowledge we have lost in
information?" T. S. Elliot
"Zeal without knowledge is fire
without light." Thomas Fuller
"The essence of knowledge is,
having it, to apply it; not having
it, to confess your ignorance."
"Today knowledge has power. It
controls access to opportunity
and advancement."
Peter F. Drucker
"God grant that not only the love
of liberty but a thorough
knowledge of the rights of man
may pervade all the nations of
the earth, so that a philosopher
may set his foot anywhere on its
surface and say: This is my
country!" Benjamin Franklin
Throughout the developed
world,we have moved from "man
power"to "mind power."We have
moved from the use of physical
muscle to the use of mental
Brian Tracy
"Knowledge is of two kinds: We
know a subject ourselves, or we
know where we can find
information about it." Samuel
"The hunger and thirst for
knowledge, the keen delight in
the chase, the good humored
willingness to admit that the
scent was false, the eager desire
to get on with the work, the
cheerful resolution to go back
and begin again, the broad good
sense, the unaffected modesty,
the imperturbable temper, the
gratitude for any little help that
was given - all these will remain
in my memory though I cannot
paint them for others." Frederic
William Maitland

Friday, July 9, 2010

Success kisses you in private but failure slaps you in public

Be self confident and win the life. We'll knock the doors of success. If nothing happens lets break it with our confidence and reach the head