Saturday, July 10, 2010

"There are three ingredients in
the good life: learning, earning
and yearning."
- Christopher Morley
"Courage is a special kind of
knowledge; the knowledge of
how to fear what ought to be
feared and how not to fear what
ought not to be feared."
? David Ben
"Courage is a special kind of
knowledge; the knowledge of
how to fear what ought to be
feared and how not to fear what
ought not to be feared."
- David Ben-Gurion
"Those who cannot change their
minds cannot change anything."
-- George Bernard Shaw
"Formal education will make you
a living. Self-education will make
you a fortune."
Jim Rohn
Learning is the begining of
wealth.Learning is the begining
of health. Learningis the
begining of spiritually.Searching
and learning is where the miracle
process all begins.
The great Breakthrough in your
life comes when you realize it
that you can learn anything you
need to learn to accomplish any
goal that you set for yourself.This
means there are no limits on
what you can be,have or do.
"I am enough of an artist to
draw freely upon my
imagination. Imagination is more
important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world."
Albert Einstein
"The highest form of ignorance
is to reject something you know
nothing about."
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
"Every mind was made for
growth, for knowledge, and its
nature is sinned against when it
is doomed to ignorance."
William Ellery Channing
"You can swim all day in the Sea
of Knowledge and still come out
completely dry. Most people do."
Norman Juster
"Knowledge is power and
enthusiasm pulls the switch."
Steve Droke
"Not to know is bad, not to wish
to know is worse." Nigerian
"The old believe everything; the
middle aged suspect everything,
the young know everything."
Oscar Wilde
"Where is the Life we have lost in
living? Where is the wisdom we
have lost in knowledge? Where is
the knowledge we have lost in
information?" T. S. Elliot
"Zeal without knowledge is fire
without light." Thomas Fuller
"The essence of knowledge is,
having it, to apply it; not having
it, to confess your ignorance."
"Today knowledge has power. It
controls access to opportunity
and advancement."
Peter F. Drucker
"God grant that not only the love
of liberty but a thorough
knowledge of the rights of man
may pervade all the nations of
the earth, so that a philosopher
may set his foot anywhere on its
surface and say: This is my
country!" Benjamin Franklin
Throughout the developed
world,we have moved from "man
power"to "mind power."We have
moved from the use of physical
muscle to the use of mental
Brian Tracy
"Knowledge is of two kinds: We
know a subject ourselves, or we
know where we can find
information about it." Samuel
"The hunger and thirst for
knowledge, the keen delight in
the chase, the good humored
willingness to admit that the
scent was false, the eager desire
to get on with the work, the
cheerful resolution to go back
and begin again, the broad good
sense, the unaffected modesty,
the imperturbable temper, the
gratitude for any little help that
was given - all these will remain
in my memory though I cannot
paint them for others." Frederic
William Maitland

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