Saturday, July 10, 2010

Success quotes

Nourish the mind like you would
your body.The mind cannot
survive on junk food.
Jim Rohn
"It is nothing for one to know
something unless another knows
you know it." Persian Proverb
"To know that we know what
we know, and that we do not
know what we do not know,
that is true knowledge." Henry
David Thoreau
"The trouble with the world is
not that people know too little,
but that they know so many
things that ain't so." Mark Twain
"We live on an island surrounded
by a sea of ignorance. As our
island of knowledge grows, so
does the shore of our
ignorance." John Archibald
"I realized that far beyond the
possibilities of bodily thought
there were in myself forces,
powers and knowledge far
transcending all that the body
can ever perceive or imagine in
its loftiest flights."
The Golden Dawn
Everything you need for your
better future and success has
already been written.And guess
What? It's all available.All you
have to do is go to the library.But
guess what?Only three percent
of the people in America have a
library card.Wow,they must be
expensive!No, they're
free.Probably in every
neighborhood.Three percent!
Jim Rohn
"Man's flight through life is
sustained by the power of his
U.S. Air Force
"Not to know is bad; not to wish
to know is worse."
African Proverb

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